dimanche 29 mars 2015

Reading long binary numbers in java

I am trying to write a program which converts binary numbers into decimal, however as soon as I have a binary number which is bigger than 10 digits I get a java.lang.numberformatexception error. I was wondering how I should rewrite my code in order to handle binary numbers:

//will throw an exception if the user's input contains a non-Integer
int inputNumber = Integer.parseInt(returnEnterNumber());
//when our user wants to convert from binary to decimal
//checks if number is binary
int checkNumber = inputNumber;
while (checkNumber != 0) {
if (checkNumber % 10 > 1) {
throw new InvalidBinaryException();
checkNumber = checkNumber / 10;
//converts from binary and outputs result
int n = Integer.parseInt(returnEnterNumber(), 2);
catch(Exception e) {
displayConvertedNumber("WRONG INPUT! - TRY again");

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