samedi 28 mars 2015

Custom object deserializes fine in Jax-RS but if it is used in another object it doesn't work

Deserializing works fine if I just pass my custom object through

public Response saveCustomObject(CustomObject data)
// Prints correct value

However, if it is a property on another object, it just gets the default value of my custom object

public Response saveCustomObjectWrapper(CustomObjectWrapper data)
// Prints incorrect value

My provider is registered and looks like this:

public CustomObject readFrom(Class<CustomObject> type, Type type1, Annotation[] antns, MediaType mt, MultivaluedMap<String, String> mm, InputStream in) throws IOException, WebApplicationException
try {
return new CustomObject(IOUtils.toString(in));
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new ProcessingException("Error deserializing a CustomObject.", ex);

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