lundi 2 mars 2015

Android findViewById() not working when using a seperate class

Hi I am new to Android

I would like keep the following code seperatly from my MainActivity file. However, when I try to findViewById() inside the seperate class, I get the error

"cannot be resolved"

Now I know I cannot extend the MainActivity class as it will lead to stack overflow, but could someone tell me how to go about access a textview from this seperate file?

public class Counter {

private TextView tempTextView;
//Temporary TextView
private Button tempBtn;
public Handler mHandler = new Handler();
public long startTime;
public long elapsedTime;
public final int REFRESH_RATE = 100;
public String hours,minutes,seconds,milliseconds;
public long secs,mins,hrs,msecs;
public boolean stopped = false;

public Runnable startTimer = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;

private void updateTimer (float time) {
secs = (long) (time / 1000);
mins = (long) ((time / 1000) / 60);
hrs = (long) (((time / 1000) / 60) / 60); /* Convert the seconds to String * and format to ensure it has * a leading zero when required */
secs = secs % 60;
seconds = String.valueOf(secs);
if (secs == 0) {
seconds = "00";
if (secs < 10 && secs > 0) {
seconds = "0" + seconds;
} /* Convert the minutes to String and format the String */
mins = mins % 60;
minutes = String.valueOf(mins);
if (mins == 0) {
minutes = "00";
if (
mins < 10 && mins > 0
) {
minutes = "0" + minutes;
} /* Convert the hours to String and format the String */
hours = String.valueOf(hrs);
if (hrs == 0) {
hours = "00";
if (hrs < 10 && hrs > 0) {
hours = "0" + hours;
/* Although we are not using milliseconds on the timer in this example * I included the code in the event that you wanted to include it on your own */
milliseconds = String.valueOf((long) time);
if (milliseconds.length() == 2) {
milliseconds = "0" + milliseconds;
if (milliseconds.length() <= 1) {
milliseconds = "00";
milliseconds = milliseconds.substring(milliseconds.length() - 3, milliseconds.length() - 2);
/* Setting the timer text to the elapsed time */
// ((TextView) findViewById( + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds);
// ((TextView)findViewById("." + milliseconds); }


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