dimanche 29 mars 2015

Is it safe to assume Spring ApplicationContext is initialized only once?

We have built a messaging server using PubNub which listens for chat messages from Android device. For this, our J2EE based spring, we have created a Pubnub listener (which is basically a listening socket) as follows. Since this needs to be created only once and at a application startup, we are using ContextRefreshedEvent for the same.

I am particularly doubtful about the use isContextLoaded variable since we are observing WTF: Not initialising incoming listener logs in our server randomly which I believe should not be there since context is initialised only once.

public class IncomingListener implements ApplicationListener < ContextRefreshedEvent > {

public void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent event) {

private static volatile boolean isContextLoaded = false;

ServletContext application;

synchronized(IncomingListener.class) {

if (isContextLoaded) {
System.out.println("WTF: Not initializing incoming listener");
try {
isContextLoaded = true;
} catch (JSONException e) {
} catch (AkoshaException e) {


private void initialiseIncomingListener()
// Initialize our Pubnub Listener

pubnub.subscribe(serverchannel, new Callback() {

// Subscribe to pubnub

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