dimanche 22 février 2015

Wildfly exploded war hot deployment

I have a web application deployed as exploded war using wildfly. What I want to get is

  1. Changes in jsp files are automatically reflected, without redeploying the app

  2. Changes in .class files enforce an app redeployment.

At the moment I am in a situation in which either I can get one option or the other, but not both at the same time (meaning that either every jsp change forces a new deployment or that .class files do not force a new deployment).

Current configuration of wildfly (using version 8.1.0) is





<servlet-container name="default">
<jsp-config development="true"/>

Also, something I have found is that no matter what I set in the deployment-scanner config, once the server is up and running, if I go to the wildfly web console, the parameter auto-deploy-war is marked as true and auto-deploy-exploded is marked as false, even the scan-interval is always set to 5000 ms, which makes me think that the deployment scanner config is somehow being ignored.

I am kind of lost here quite frankly, it has to be possible for wildfly to reload the app if the change is a .class file and not do it if it is a jsp.

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